Dissertation Editing Services
Editing is required to make a dissertation more presentable, readable, and understandable to the target audience. The process helps scholars to impress evaluators and supervisors with error-free and high-quality dissertations by removing any communication barriers between the writer and the target reader. These barriers may be related to a lack of English language proficiency that results in the inability to effectively or adequately express thoughts and ideas, structural inconsistencies, poor layout, and formatting errors.
Our professional dissertation editing services are helpful because we ensure any errors or inconsistencies are fixed before submission of the document. A qualitative research to investigate the challenges of academic reading and writing at the Malaysian University of English-as-a-Foreign Language (EFL) had 16 lecturers interviewed. The study showed that 62.5% of the lecturers interviewed cited English language as a barrier among students in academic writing, with 75% of the tutors facing challenges in grading students’ academic documents because of poorly expressed ideas. The students were also found to be using unorganized structure in their academic work. One of the lecturers recommended editing and proofreading as a remedy for the students’ weaknesses in dissertations and research project write-ups before submission.
Self-editing is an essential skill for all scholars working on their dissertations. However, some scholars may be unable to meet this requirement because of factors such as poor language proficiency, short periods given for preparing the dissertation, and lack of exposure to academic writing during their undergraduate study period. According to the above research, it was difficult to produce a dissertation within the short study period given for graduate students during which they had to complete other coursework requirements, prepare and defend proposals, write, and defend dissertations. All these challenges affected the quality of the dissertations produced by scholars despite the high expectations from examiners and supervisors.
We offer dissertation editing services that are helpful among scholars in the 21st century who may be facing the same challenges. The services are also a relief to the supervisors and tutors because after a dissertation is edited by our dissertation editing experts, they do not have to deal with poorly organized and incomprehensible drafts. This article contains a discussion on the factors we consider when editing a dissertation.
The Importance of Professional Editing of Academic Documents
Professional editing services are important before submitting the dissertation because of the following reasons:
- Editing ensures a clear structure through which readers can track the logic of the dissertation’s argument.
- It enhances consistency in language and style which helps readers to focus on the content of the dissertation.
- Editing corrects errors such as spelling, punctuation, inconsistency in formatting, and any other mistakes that could distract the reader.
- It improves the dissertation’s organization, readability, and comprehensibility to the target audience and the general public.
Generally, it is essential to edit a dissertation before submitting it for evaluation. This ensures flawlessness and enhances quality, which greatly influences the grade to be awarded for the course or that particular subject.
Factors Our Professional Editors Consider when Editing a Dissertation
Below are some of the factors we consider when editing a dissertation:
1. Structure of the document
The basic structure and presentation of the elements making up a dissertation, including the abstract, introduction, and all the chapters must demonstrate unity and clarity in transition. The topic, aims, and purpose of the dissertation should be evident in the introduction. When editing the chapters, our dissertation editing experts confirm whether there is logic in the order and appropriate segmentation, with each section showing a clear introduction and conclusion. The experienced dissertation editors ensure clarity and sense in the transition between sentences with well-developed explanations for the ideas and topics presented in each paragraph; and check whether the conclusion is appropriately linked to the introduction of the document.
2. Use of scholarly language
The language used in the dissertation should be formal, displaying an academic tone and appropriate word choice and terminology with regard to the target audience. When offering a dissertation editing service, our experienced academic editors review the document and offer constructive criticism in case the language does not meet the required academic standard.
3. Writing style for the dissertation
There is always a specific style requirement given for a dissertation. Hiring an experienced editor is helpful in ascertaining compliance with the required style and convention in addition to ensuring optimal technical accuracy and appropriate sentence structure in the edited document.
4. Layout of the dissertation
When editing the layout of a dissertation we consider the following features:
The margins and indents for the main text of the dissertation should be consistent and must be based on the writing style requirements.
Font type and size
Each writing style has its requirements on font type and size, the most preferred being the Times New Roman size 12 points. Our editing service ensures the consistency of fonts throughout the dissertation. All headings, subheadings, captions, main text, quotes, footnotes, and endnotes must demonstrate consistency in the type and size of font.
Use of numbers
The sequence of page numbers should be correct according to the style. We also ensure that figures and tables, footnotes, and endnotes are numbered accordingly.
We check the spacing between lines in each paragraph, before and after headings, paragraphs, and sentence breaks. In addition to editing services, our dissertation editors offer effective proofreading services to be sure every word or line is spaced and aligned accordingly.
5. General Formatting of the Dissertation
When editing the general format of the dissertation, our experienced dissertation editors ensure the following:
- Capital letters start all sentences.
- Each paragraph starts on a new line.
- Single spacing after punctuation marks, before, and after brackets if any.
- Availability of period at the end of every sentence.
- Consistency of italics in the reference list if necessary.
- Consistency and appropriate use of abbreviations.
6. Time constraints that may affect the dissertation editing process
Whether offering copy or line editing service, the process requires allocation of adequate time before the deadline for submission approaches. Enough time should be set aside to complete the task with clarity of focus. Leaving a short period to edit a complete dissertation can be stressful, and if conducted in a hurry, one may miss some errors, compromising the quality of the final copy of the edited document
Therefore, when writing a dissertation, academic writers should ensure that the draft is ready in advance to give enough time for editing and improvement. If one has to hire a person to edit a dissertation on their behalf, they should look for a dissertation editor with considerable experience then submit the draft in time to allow the professional ample time to edit and refine it. After the editing services, it is important to collect the final copy before the deadline in order to have enough time to reflect on the changes suggested and rewrite sections if rationally recommended by the expert.
7. Mental Preparation for Editing is Essential
It is not a brilliant idea to start the editing process immediately after finishing the dissertation writing, especially in self-editing. One should spend a while away from the document so that by the time they start editing, the process will be conducted objectively from an editor’s perspective. Separating writing and editing enables a dissertation editor to see obvious errors that may have been overlooked and come up with various quality improvement strategies for the paper. Therefore, whether self-editing or editing someone else’s dissertation, one should ensure they are in the best mental state possible, well-rested, refreshed, and in the right editing environment that is free from noise and all sorts of distractions.
8. Ensure Clarity of Focus
When editing a dissertation or other research papers, our experienced academic editors approach the process with a clear understanding of the document's main focus, purpose, and how the research relates to what is already known about the subject matter. We ensure that the introduction clearly and simply outlines what the reader should expect from the entire dissertation and gives background information for the study.
9. Establish the General Idea of the Dissertation
A dissertation is presumed to be an exercise that aims at communicating important and core ideas about a particular topic. Editing involves reading and reviewing the paper as a whole to ensure that its main points are presented in a logical progression, addressing the main research questions in a clear manner that is comprehensible to the readers. Our services ensure the literature review and the background information are clearly relatable to the findings and conclusions.
10. Edit Each Chapter Separately
Each chapter in a dissertation serves a specific purpose in communicating the main idea in different research papers. Our dissertation editing experts ensure that the right information is found in the right chapter.
11. Edit the Words, Sentences, and Paragraphs
After establishing the general idea, we edit the dissertation from the minute level of each paragraph, sentence, and word; detecting errors that may have been missed while concentrating on the main emphasis of the dissertation. The editing process ensures that the main subject matter in each paragraph is clear and the sentences transition logically with properly arranged words that make grammatical sense in the context of each paragraph. Punctuation mistakes are also addressed appropriately.
12. Headings and content agreement in the dissertation
There has to be accuracy in the heading sections of the dissertation. The content under a particular heading should be appropriate based on the table of contents. If a reader is interested in a specific section of the dissertation, they should be able to use the heading given in the table of contents to locate that content within the text. Therefore, we are keen to confirm whether the headings and content are in agreement before releasing the document to the target audience.
13. Manual spelling and grammar check
Even with the availability of online editing tools such as grammar and spellcheckers, our editors understand that the software do not detect every sort of error and may also introduce more errors in recommendations. We, therefore, physically edit the dissertation for grammar and spelling mistakes.
14. Agreement between citations and references
When required to include a list of references, our editors must ensure that the in-text citations match with the list of references provided at the end of the dissertation. Every source cited within the text must reflect in the reference list and only what is found in the list should be traceable from the text. During the dissertation editing process, any sources appearing in the reference lists that are not cited within the dissertation should be highlighted for exclusion.
15. Compliance with Guidelines on Presentation and Style
Every institution or faculty has its rules and requirements on formatting, presentation, citation, writing style, and font among other specifications. One should be familiar with these specifications and ensure that the dissertation is compliant otherwise it may attract negative comments and be returned for revision when submitted.
Any instructions and guidelines specified for the dissertation must be read and understood to ensure that the dissertation does not miss out on any requirement. If a scholar opts to hire someone to edit the dissertation or seek help from professional dissertation editors, they must hand over the draft with all relevant instructions and guidelines so that the process can be customized to fit their needs.
16. Redundant materials within the dissertation
Any word, phrase, or paragraph of a dissertation that does not add or contribute to its general value and quality should be done away with. Our experienced editors are able to reorganize and remove redundant material during editing based on a clear understanding of the dissertation’s overall focus and purpose. Sections with repetition of words or phrases that can be removed without changing the meaning or direction of the argument should be highlighted.
17. Find Areas of Improvement
Improving a dissertation, being one of the reasons for editing, can be achieved by removing unwanted or adding important information. We are able to discover areas or sections that can be improved by further explanation or additional points to upgrade the writing in general.
For one to learn and enhance their editing skills, they should master all the elements discussed in this article and practice adequately. Scholars can start practicing the art of editing using their day-to-day assignments, proposals, or research papers so that when they write dissertations, they are already aware of what to look for when editing. For any challenges, our professional dissertation services at a reasonable price and a favorable turnaround time can be the best option.
Steps to Follow When Editing a Dissertation
The process of editing a dissertation can be divided into four major levels; content and development edit, line, copy editing, and proofreading. These are discussed below.
1. Content and development editing
In the context of dissertation editing, the content and development edit step focuses on reviewing the overall focus, flow, structure, and organization of the document.
2. Line editing
This is the second level of editing that concentrates on how sentences and paragraphs are organized in the dissertation, with the main focus being on repetitive words and phrases, completeness and grammatical correctness of sentences, long run-on sentences, and any redundant words. During this stage, sentences can be restructured to enhance the flow and clarity of the message.
3. Copy Edits
Copy editing mainly focuses on the dissertation's technical accuracy based on specific rules and guidelines. These include punctuation and grammar, spelling mistakes, conventions, capitalization, italics, and use of numbers among others. Style requirements for the dissertation must be clarified before commencing copy editing.
4. Proofreading
Proofreading is the final step of editing a dissertation. The quality of the final copy of a properly-written dissertation that has been proofread by an expert is guaranteed. The proofreading step should confirm the following before the document is submitted:
Checking whether words are spelled correctly saves one the embarrassment that could arise from spelling mistakes brought about by auto-correction of words when typing. Spellcheckers can help in detecting spelling errors but should not be entirely relied on.
At this stage, one can run grammar checkers on the dissertation but ensure that each suggestion is reviewed for suitability in the context of the paper before accepting the change.
The last read-through
After taking some time away from the paper, one should read it one last time. Reading aloud can be much better to help in hearing how it sounds from the reader’s perspective, internalize the content, and ensure it achieves the general objective of the dissertation.
The level of editing service that we provide depend on the customer needs and instructions. Working with us is invaluable because we offer the best editing that improves the quality of academic writing and depict scholars as experts in their subject areas.
Mistakes to Avoid when Editing a Dissertation
The following are some of the mistakes people make when editing a dissertation. One should strive to avoid them in order to improve the quality of their writing
Overlapping Writing with Editing
Editing and writing are two different processes that need to be separated. Editing should be done after concentrating on putting the ideas down on paper. Overlapping the processes can be time-wasting. The proofreading expert may lose focus and end up with a poor-quality final copy that does not impress the target audience. For quality results, it is important to write first, take a break, then embark on editing from an unbiased point of view.
Editing the Entire Dissertation in One Sitting
Trying to edit the voluminous work at a go can be intimidating and exhausting. Dividing the process into chapters or sections can be helpful. In addition, one should take time, edit the dissertation in phases, focus on the information, and seek help when necessary.
Trying to Edit for Everything at Once
The multiple phases and levels of editing can be most effective if approached separately. Taking one step at a time enhances focus and the ability to see what needs to be fixed in order to improve the dissertation. The developmental, line, copy editing, and proofreading stages should not be overlapped otherwise one is bound to miss out on some errors.
Over-reliance on Editing tools and Programs
Even though they are good software to help in detecting errors, digital software should not be entirely depended on to correct all errors and mistakes that may be found in a dissertation. Despite the fact that they save time, detect errors instantly, and help in improving one’s writing skills, digital checkers cannot replace the human editing skill or do the writing. It is, therefore, important to understand that the software should be used as an aid to improve what has been written and edited manually and not to replace the human role of an editor.
Not Seeking Dissertation Editing Help
The fear of criticism makes scholars and writers prefer self-editing because they do not want any negative comments or opinions on their work. However, despite the demoralizing nature of critiques, one should accept positive criticism without personalizing the comments. Feedback is important in academic writing because it gives a chance for improvement.
Ignoring Guidelines on Writing Style and Structure
Among the first things that our academic editors do on receiving a dissertation to edit is to read and understand any given instruction and guidelines. If ignored, one may not be able to edit the document effectively because writing style preference may vary with institutions. General formatting rules given by specific guides or manuals must be strictly adhered to so that the dissertation does not contain different styles and conventions.
Overlooking Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a serious offense in academic writing. It compromises one’s credibility and is also termed a disciplinary issue. When a writer submits a plagiarized document, their profile can be blacklisted. In the context of learning institutions, total expulsion, suspension, or retaking the course are some of the punishments when students are caught cheating or copying other people’s ideas into their dissertations. Checking plagiarism is important when editing a dissertation before releasing it to the target audience or the general public. All sources consulted must be cited and acknowledged accordingly to uphold and safeguard academic integrity and enhance public perception of academic writing.
Paying attention to the factors discussed in this article and the importance of editing a dissertation can greatly enhance one’s writing and self-editing skills. It is only after understanding what to look for while editing, that one can plan on how to look for it. All the levels of editing should be conducted keenly to avoid missing out on errors. Even the smallest mistake can negatively affect the readers' impression and perception of the dissertation.
Excellent self-editing skills should be given priority because editing cannot be avoided in academic writing. Even if one decides to hire a person to edit the dissertation on their behalf, the skills are needed to confirm whether the editor has completed the task according to the given specifications.
Seeking dissertation editing help is recommended after self-editing because after writing the dissertation, one may be too attached to their work to an extent of overlooking errors. It is, therefore, important to seek help from an independent individual who can conduct the process objectively without bias.
However, if these options are not available, we are professional dissertation editors who can be paid to edit the document; including a team of trained and experienced experts who have dedicated themselves to offering dissertation editing services at the different levels of editing. The scholar only needs to hand over the draft along with the instructions and rest assured of a high-quality final copy of the dissertation.
If you are interested in using our professional services to edit or proofread your dissertation, please join our live chat for prompt assistance. You can ask any question regarding your dissertation to our experts via live chat, email, or phone. Feel free to seek help and we will be grand to assist you. Read more on how to create an order on our website here, or visit our Order Page to check the prices. We hope this article was helpful.